I discovered Vitality Codes while recovering from a mystery illness that ravaged my mind, body and relationships. For five years, I dedicated all of my time and resources learning to heal and redesigned my life within my parameters to thrive. After repairing the damage done to my body, restoring my mental and physical health, and renewing my vitality, I have more energy and clarity in my 40s than I did in my 20s and 30s. The Vitality Codes Framework distills my five-year journey into 12 weeks of exactly what works.
What would life look like if you only said yes to things that energized you, and you always followed your highest excitement? Would it look like the life you woke up to this morning? If you’re not already living the dream awake, why not start today? In one to three months, you will experience boundless energy, complete clarity, and effortless creativity.
Wellbeing X Design’s evidence-based framework originates from the latest findings in Functional Medicine, Neuroscience and Quantum Physics. Once in place, this framework rapidly liberates the mind, resets the body, and attunes you to inspiration. We will decipher your unique Vitality Codes and design your life within your Parameters to Thrive until you’re effortlessly harnessing infinite creative potential. Schedule a strategy call or learn more.
Based on functional medicine’s clinically proven lifestyle, nutrition, and movement habits, Youthful X Design is a potent eight-week reverse-aging regimen designed to restore energy, renew clarity and boost vitality. This intensive routine of epinutrient-rich foods, movement and rest, increases longevity and quality of life, and has been shown in clinical trials to prevent, stabilize or completely cure some midlife chronic conditions. Download complete information here. Schedule a strategy call to learn more.
Perfecting your sleep is critical because sleep is the number one predictor of physical and mental health, and essential to learning and creativity outcomes. Lack of sleep, poor sleep, & sleep deprivation cause inflammation, anxiety that can lead to depression, and cognitive decline. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Sleep Deprivation an epidemic in industrialized nations, and recognizes second- and third-shift work as a known carcinogen for its direct correlation with increased instances of anxiety, depression, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
Would you like to ease into sleep at night in anticipation of waking up energized and excited to take on the day? I’ll guide you through The Sleep System, a series of evidence-based sleep hygiene that use neuroplasticity and the five senses to rewire your brain for restorative sleep.
The shorter your sleep, the shorter your healthspan. Lack of restorative sleep is a guaranteed health disaster, so it’s time to start sleeping better now! Schedule a strategy call to learn more.
This six-week course gives the user mastery of their Daily Creative Wellbeing and the ability to sustain creativity-on-demand while avoiding burnout. Creativity X Design focuses on holding boundaries around the foundations of health that directly impact creativity and stoke the neuroscience of success. Schedule a strategy call to learn more.