Reset X Design

“It is the mental game that is offering the greatest competitive advantage.”

–Anxiety at Work by Chester Elton & Adrian Gostick

Reset X Design: Integrating Mental Wellbeing at Work

Whether firms formally acknowledge it or not, we are in the midst of a workplace mental health crisis. In fact, Harvard Business Review published a 2019 study that reveals 50% of Millennials and 75% of Gen Z reported they had quit a job for mental health reasons. In 2021, that number skyrocketed to 68% of Millennials and 81% of Gen Z reporting they had quit a job for mental health reasons. People bring their whole selves to work–including their mental health issues. Add to that the fact that 1 in 3 people are sleep deprived, and you realize that we’re managing the equivalent of a mental health dumpster fire some experts refer to as post-traumatic growth.

Reset X Design helps forward-thinking organizations to address anxiety in the workplace. It is not only the right thing to do, it creates a a psychologically safe space for authentic relating, enthusiasm for in-person gathering, and increases TRUST–the foundation for effective teamwork.

Based on the work of Polyvagal Theory by Dr. Stephen Porges, somatic coach Jay Fields PhD, and integrative practitioner and psychiatrist, Dr. Ellen Vora, Reset X Design teaches micro practices that facilitate mastery to reset the nervous system, and wellbeing skills that contribute to happiness, meaningful engagement, and creativity at work.

Reset X Design Key Benefits: Increased energy. Nerve tension relief, less headaches. Reduced chronic pain, mental confusion, and back pain. Greater sensory awareness. Enhanced whole-body fluidity. Reduced anxiety. Improved digestion. Significant stress reduction. And the ability to experience deep healing.

Reset X Design includes Deep Rest, Self Talk, Self-Regulation & Methods for Recovery

Week 1 – Micro-Practices for Resilience

Week 2 – The Inner Voice

Week 3 – Reframing Rest & Recovery

Week 4 – Optimal Sleep Architecture

Week 5 – Nutrition + Hydration

Week 6 – Integration